Binghamton, NY
As all my readers of this blog know, I LOVE many streams of income! In fact, that is what motivated me to start this blog in the first place. It has evolved a bit from when I first started it. Not the way I planned it from the beginning, but I like it better this way. My streams of income are doing much better now and I thought I should come back to this blog and let you know how to increase those streams.
Open an Amazon ProStore - Sell a product on Amazon. They get the traffic. All you have to do is list.
Use Fulfillment By Amazon - Send bulk amounts of products you sell to Amazon and they will send the products out for you. All you have to do is list them and send them to the warehouse. No customer service at all. No contact with the buyers. It is great if you have fast moving product!
Become an associate of Amazon by signing up as an affiliate. Include links to the products you think your blog readers will like or interest them. If they buy anything on Amazon after clicking that link, you will get a little bit of money. Maybe it is not much, but it adds up.
Be an affiliate of other networks, such as ClickBank, Shareasale and others. Or find sites that interest in that are not in those networks. Like VistaPrint or Netrition. Make sure it is something your readers are interested in.
Write an eBook. Yes, it is my favorite stream of income! Do you have an old book you put away because nobody would publish it? Or have a half finished novel or other book on your computer? Get to work on it and publish it in Amazon's Kindle Direct program. Money in your account while you sleep! Just keep writing more books, passive income keeps coming in.
Sell on eBay. Everyone does this one time or other. I like eBay and have no complaints there except I wish I could sell everything I list as soon as I list it! LOL
Sell a product on your website. I do this. But this is the hardest nut to crack. Pick a product to sell and sell it on your website.
Write blog posts for payments. Some companies are looking for bloggers to write about their products. On one of my other blogs, I write a post for a local grocery store and get paid for it. They contacted me after seeing a link to their store coming from my blog from a post I had written about shopping there. I found a wonderful eBook that tells you exactly how to do this and even gives you examples of letters to write to companies. The name of this eBook is
Review Bloggers: Get Flooded with Review & Giveaway Sponsor Products
written by Bethany Cousins.
So there you have it. These are my streams of income. What are your streams? Do you have some you'd like to share? If so, let me know and I will write about it or have you write a guest post for this blog.
Copyright © 2013 Kathleen G. Lupole
All Photographs Copyright © 2013 Kathleen G. Lupole