I read with interest on forums when people write about wanting to make money by writing
If you picked up a book and it was full of misspelled words and had no sentences or paragraphs, wouldn't you find it hard to read? I always pick out the misspellings in any book or any website. It just comes to me. I worked a job once in Clearwater, FL
Remember if you are trying to write a blog
Then again, I know some people who have trouble with fonts that are too small or they are colored. I loved using the different colors for my writing until I met someone who could not read what I wrote due to her eye problems
The most important part of writing online is getting people to come to your site or blog and staying there to read it. To click to other pages or posts. To click the links you have set up for them. To spend some time with you. But if you make it hard for them they will leave in less than a second. That is not much time to make a good impression. So brush up on your writing skills. One other thing is that the more you write the better you will become. So spend some time on it and make it worth reading by your visitors. Good luck!
Copyright © 2010 Kathleen G. Lupole