Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Comes And Goes

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! What do you think of when you think of Valentine's Day? Do have a special someone who takes you out to dinner? Or maybe cooks you a special dinner? Gives you flowers or candy? At least a card? Yes, Valentine's Day has become a big day for the restaurants and stores.

Buying a box of candy for someone used to be about five bucks. Now it is more like twenty bucks.When a trend catches on like that it becomes something that is expected of you. Now what would your spouse or partner think if you just ignored Valentine's Day all together? You might end up in the dog house.

What if everyone stopped buying all the commercial Valentine Day gifts, food and cards? Instead put that money in an envelope and the money went into your savings account? What if you did the same for all the holidays and birthdays? If someone gives you gift cards, you are out of luck because it is not cash. Cash is the way to go.

I know. I know. Gifts are wonderful little ways to show someone you appreciate them. But if you are both  trying to save money, then what would be a better way to show appreciation than to say, "honey, we have over $500. in our emergency fund now."  I know for me, I would rather that type of gift. Then again, I have always been different than most people. I just can't stand wasting money that I work so hard to get on gifts that are gone in a few days. Maybe a package of seeds or a garden hoe would be a better gift than candy or flowers. At least for me it would. What about you?

Have a Happy Valentine's Day and enjoy it!

Copyright © 2011 Kathleen G. Lupole